"Spitfire" is a game designer who runs the Game-ism blog, and he's been aiming to start a series of "What Do You Do?" articles wherein he asks writers and devs and other industry folks for stories about how "the rest of the world" responds to learning about our jobs, and whether they understand them or not, and how they do or don't judge. He decided to ask others about it after expressing frustration about the difficulty in discussing his work in games in social situations, and it's a frustration I know is shared by a lot of other industry folk. Since I was just on the topic last week, Spitfire was kind enough to invite me to be the first interviewee for the series.
As always when I'm interviewed about something, I ramble on at more length than is probably interesting to anyone about my sister, my UPS guy, and why I consider getting dreadlocks like N'Gai, but check it out if you like! Dude runs a cool blog, too.