Interesting item about Keith Olbermann, from FTVLive this morning:
Last week we told you that Keith Olbermann was demanding better security at the Republican National Convention or he wasn't going.
Word is that Olbermann was paranoid that some crazy right winger was going to assassinate him.
Olbermann demanded his bosses protect him, or he and his sandbox were going to stay in New York.
It looks like the suits could not get enough body amour and security guards rounded up for little Keithy.
Olbermann says he is staying in New York to help cover the Hurricane Hanna.
Las we looked the Hurricane was not expected to hit the Big Apple. So, how covering it from NYC or St. Paul is any different, we have no clue.
Do you get the feeling that Olbermann is, simultaneously, both a bully and also prissy? You know, a prissy bully, who sure can dish it out, but hides behind mama's apron when confronted with the consequences of his bullying. Not an attractive combination.
Meanwhile, speaking of O's, Barack Obama has done the stand up thing. He has agreed to appear on Bill O'Reilly's show Thursday night. Smart move by Obama. He'll find some votes, potentially, among the Factor Fans.
And some interesting byplay on Obama's relationship with Fox and Rupert Murdoch, here.