Sometime when I wasn't paying attention, Sexy Videogameland broke 500,000 visitors (it's actually closer to 700,000 now over its lifetime!). This is kinda a cool milestone, so I just wanted to take a second and thank all of you who visit me. Some of you have been visiting regularly for a really, really long time, and I really appreciate everyone's readership.
Most of all, I appreciate the discussion that happens around the things I write. I don't think any game site is viable long-term without a strong community around it, and I'm really fortunate to have all of you to source my inspiration and to share your ideas.
Lot of times when I meet people and they hear I write about games, they make a sympathetic face -- they're thinking of how vocal, chaotic and often destructive the online community must be to a poor lil' gal. But I tell them I'm actually damn lucky -- I know I've said this here a bunch of times, but I really feel as if the coolest people on the whole internets must all congregate here, because I absolutely love you guys.
Thank you.