CNN can post a highly airbrushed photo of Jack Cafferty on its website, but it's impossible to hide the man's extreme bile.
Here's a sample:
McCain surrounds himself with people like former Republican Sen. Phil Gramm who called America a "nation of whiners" and said we are only suffering a "mental recession."
That's the same problem the Republican Party has. It has lost track of what it used to stand for: small government, a disciplined fiscal policy, integrity.
In a way, the perfect storm of a rapidly changing population -- old white people aren't going to be in the majority very much longer (and isn't that who most of the Republicans are?) -- has combined with the total abdication of principles, Republican or otherwise, of arguably the worst president in the nation's history to mark the beginning of the end of the Republican Party as we know it.
This isn't analysis, this is just slander, piled on wishful thinking. If there was someone saying the exact opposite on CNN's air, just as prominently and frequently, then maybe this sort of barstool spluttering would be OK. But Cafferty is by himself.
And that sends a loud-and-clear message to the half or so of the country that counts itself as Republican, and/or conservative. What's that message? REPUBLICANS, DROP DEAD.