Aaron Barnhart, who writes/blogs for The Kansas City Star, has always been a Cable Game fave; he is always incisive, always fair-minded.
Here's what he wrote yesterday about the winners and losers of recent TV; the whole piece is worth a whole read, but here's the most cable-newsy stuff, appearing under the headline, "what's working," and "what's not." Under "what's working," he included:
Fox Business Network. FBN has languished in digital-cable obscurity because it didn't have what Fox News had: enemies. Now it has one in CNBC resident screamer Jim Cramer. FBN is buying TV ad print ads that ask "How Bad Is Cramer?" and "Can You Afford to Watch CNBC?" They'd be tacky if they weren't so true.
And under "What's not," he had this:
Jim Cramer. In 2006 he yelled: Sell Apple! In 2007 he shouted: Bear Stearns is fine! A few weeks ago: Buy Wachovia! Last week on "Today," he ordered viewers to panic-sell their stocks. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day -- problem is, Cramer never stops.
As an update, TCG was watching CNBC this morning, and there was... an ad for FBN, slamming Cramer.
Fox has its enemy, indeed, and I think that Cramer will be spending more time with the fam soon enough.