Is Fox doomed in the Age of Obama? Jon Friedman writing today for Market Watch, takes up the issue:
The logic goes that because a left-leaning Obama is now in power, Fox will be in decline. Some people say that the voters who swept the Illinois senator into office will reflect his liberal views and turn away from Fox. I'd suggest three words of caution:
Not so fast.
Friedman answers:
News Corp. unit Fox News is No. 1 today in the cable ratings, and has been for nearly seven years. (News Corp. also owns MarketWatch, the publisher of this column.) There are three main reasons to suspect that it can stay there:
Fox can take comfort in knowing that its core audience of politically conservative Americans is loyal to the point of being rabid. That won't change one bit, even with a Democrat in the White House.
Under Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News since its inception, the unit has never been complacent, and it won't start coasting now.
Fox, which loves to portray itself as the underdog, can now rally the troops to a fever pitch by reverting to its favorite public posture: The Outsider.