I've received a few submissions for my crazy idea, and I also received a lot of ideas/suggestions from readers, so I thought I'd post a few more specific guidelines on the "SVGDL" thinger that I've been kicking around.
To be clear, the aspiration here is not at all to create some kind of extensive MobyGames sort of database -- that'd be a mammoth undertaking. And while of course the goal is to create a place where readers can see the human beings behind the games they play, I'm definitely not going for some super-earnest, stirring career profile of anyone. Instead, I'm envisioning something more Yearbook-like, with photos and quick personality glimpses. It's intended to be fun/funny.
So with that in mind, if you're considering submitting yourself or a friend, here is the "form," if you will:
Name. This can be first and last, or just first, or just a nickname/alias.
Job Title: This can be your literal title -- "Multiplayer Designer," for example -- or something funny/personal that you use to refer to yourself.
Company: Where you're currently employed -- wholly optional. You can leave it out completely if you prefer. If you like, you can list your past employers, too.
Projects: A few of the titles you've worked on. I need at least one -- otherwise anyone could just send in their pic and pretend to be in development, but if you are going after a little bit of anonymity, you don't have to include your whole list. "Unannounced" or "Top Secret" is okay too.
Why I Am A Game Industry Rockstar: Don't take yourself too seriously. Just describe what makes you awesome and have fun with it. These blurbs need to be brief, say 500 words max.
I got some questions about who is "eligible" -- the answer is pretty much everyone. The only requirement is that you need to have worked on one shipped title, where "shipped" can also mean you published it online. Indies absolutely welcome, and please provide a link to your game.
If you sent me a submission that is wildly not aligned with the format, feel free to resubmit -- but also know that if, say, you sent me a two-page bio, I'll just extract the neatest paragraph for your profile.
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