Fox Business News got off to a less-than-stellar start a year ago, but the folks at FBN keep plugging away, tortoise-like, while the hares at CNBC seem to be confident that they can sleep on their lead forever, taking time out for puff-coverage, which one well-placed critic Henry Blodget of Silicon Alley Insider, likened to a "blow job."
Meanwhile, FBN went live on the auto bailout in Congress when CNBC (and Bloomberg) were running reruns and informercials. And so while the greeting card pictured above might not get ratings straight away, it will get buzz.
FBN's buzz-topic was a favorite target, the invincibly incorrect Jim Cramer, who become the butt of a song parody based on "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch":
“You’re a mean one, Mr. Cramer; You rant and rave every day; You told us all that Bear was fine, there’s nothing more to say, Mr. Cramer; Take your money out of the market right now is what you said on Today!
“You’re a mean one, Mr. Cramer; You put fear in your viewer’s minds; You said to buy Wachovia, how can you look ‘em in the eye Mr. Cramer; Can’t believe you told us all to — buy, buy, buy!
“Now FOX Business is the place to be; We’ll make sense of it all for you; We don’t believe in fear mongering, we only stick to the truth, unlike Cramer; FOX Business Network — is your place for business news!”
OK, so that's a little hokey, but it's also buzzy. And buzz is what got the Fox News Channel going in the 90s--billboards making fun of CNN, getting people talking about FNC, even if they weren't yet watching.
H/T to Talking Biz News, although, of course, TV Newser, too, had the story.