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Holiday Listening, Brainy Style

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 | 8:46 AM

Oh, I am so excited for a holiday break -- which means I'm trying to cover a few last bases work-wise and doing a horrible job of paying attention (email me about typos and I'll bite your face). I hadn't yet noted that I was invited to participate in the Brainy Gamer's year-end podcast series, where I was asked to talk about one of my top picks for the year, PixelJunk Eden.

Nope, it's not my individual numero uno game of the year, but it's up there, so I was happy to chat about it, especially among such good company. I'm not big on podcasts at all, but Michael Abbott's is one of my favorites. He has this soothing radio-quality voice that I wholly maintain we need to promote professionally -- and he worked pretty hard on rounding us crew up for the year-end series, so I highly recommend giving it a listen.

My fantasy Christmas party involves all of these people coming over for egg nog and Rock Band -- wait, I'm tired of Rock Band for now. Oh well, hopefully we'd all drink so much coquito that we don't know what it is we're playing anymore.

We would also listen to 8-Bit Jesus, which my friend Noah, karaoke buddy extraordinaire, reminded me to recommend.

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