You are inundated with toplists, I know. But I've spent all year advocating for the recognition of innovation, for good writing, for play guides aimed at (gasp) bright folks, and I'd be remiss not to all but force you guys to read Boing Boing Offworld's Top 20 independent and overlooked titles.
I love this stuff, man -- and not just because Offworld's run by my friends and mentors. I'd just like you guys to check this out, because I guarantee you it's different and more thought provoking than the million other lists you'll read that shuffle the placement of Fallout 3 and LBP here and there (yeah, yeah, mea culpa, et cetera).
Frankly, there's not that much out there that makes me feel that little pang of envy, that little twinge in my ribs that goes, don't you wish you could come up with this stuff? It happens, though, and when it does I want to pay it big ups. I really want to see this roundup make a major splash, so I am enlisting the SVGL Army to properly Digg the Offworld 20 so that it can get the eyeballs it deserves. Do me proud!