First of all, the size of the slim PS2 is so negligible as to be stunning. Of course, I knew the new ones are smaller, but this thing is like a library book. It's so light, in fact, that the first time I pulled the controller toward me, I nearly pulled the console off of the TV stand.
Then, I start up the game and am reminded that I need a memory card. It hadn't even occurred to me. How soon we forget!
Need to go and buy one before I can start playing. Sigh.
Many of you may recall I covered Persona 3 extensively last year. Although I was once very much invested in the Japanese RPG genre, and wrote often about the ways I think it can grow, I think I've since embraced the idea that there's nothing wrong with a conventional genre, if the fans like those conventions -- cynically, you could say I've given up on, say, the idea that any Final Fantasy will be radically different in its key respects from the others, or that any Tales series item will ever break the mold.
But the Persona series almost single-handedly maintains my interest in the genre, and I've been saving P4 for when I have enough time to really think on it the way I want to. And I know I'm not the only one who's interested -- many of you have been writing me since July, practically, eager for think-pieces on P4 alike to those I wrote on P3, and yet I'm only just now getting to it.
Although I'd never repudiate the success I've been lucky enough to have in my career, it makes me busy enough now that I could never feel free to cover only one game for an entire month. Sometimes that makes me a little bit sad, in the same way the PS2's loading screen chime makes me nostalgic (I'm only half kidding).
So, I'll quote another one of my favorite games -- "Sorry to keep you waiting" -- and beg your patience just a little bit more while I go out and buy the memory card I bizarrely had no memory of needing.