Michael Wolff, author of that nastily inaccurate book about Rupert Murdoch, has crossed swords with David Carr, the media writer for The New York Times. And now Carr has published a scathing review of Wolff's book, right there on the front page of the Sunday Times Book Review:
Wolff, who has the columnist’s tic of being far too struck by the fragrance of his own prose, draws attention to the Boswell at the expense of the Johnson.
That is, Wolff the biographer of Murdoch thinks that he, Wolff is a more interesting subject.
In fact, Wolff and Carr have had their contretemps in the past, which Carr alludes to in his review.
As a sidenote, Carr said something amusing in that spat, from June, which actually squares with something that The Cable Gamer has always thought:
Carr later showed surprising tech savvy, dwarfing that of Wolff or Erick Schonfeld, who both unabashedly plugged their online startups.
“News is the killer app on the web,” said David Carr. “Nothing beats it. Maybe porn, but nothing else.”
TCG is not a fan of online porn, but Carr's point is still well-taken: "news is the killer app on the web."