One awesome thing I wanted to make sure you guys saw was that we've got blogs over there now. What's especially exciting to me is that Gamasutra will now feature expert blogs written by developers, many of whose written work you've already read floating around little disparate nodes of the internet. I highly recommend keeping 'em on your radar as the section develops.
It's a great way for devs to chat amongst themselves and share ideas, but the bonus is we all get to read it, too. The reason I started Sexy Videogame Developerland a few months ago was to offer gamers an opportunity to get to know devs a little bit better as human beings, so I'm really happy that there's another, more detailed and visible way on offer at my other internet-home. I still hope to be adding little bios to SVGDL, and I have a handful on queue that I haven't been able to get to yet that I'm still looking forward to adding -- thanks to everyone who's submitted, and sorry for the delay!
We've also got a members section on Gamasutra where any user can share thoughts on design, development and the industry, so if you've got something to say, def check it out, yeah? Hope you all like.