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Vox Populi: The Fox Nation

Written By mista sense on Monday, March 30, 2009 | 4:20 AM

Fox News is debuting "Fox Nation," a new online community. On "Fox & Friends," Gretchen Carlson just called it "America's town hall," and Steve Doocy has been interviewing "Founding Fathers" in front of Fox Plaza.

The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz writes about it here, playing it big on the front page of the WaPo's "Style" section.

And in fact, as Kurtz notes, while Fox is #1 among the cablers in TV ratings, it is #3 online. But that can change fast--as Fox demonstrated. Kurtz quotes FOX SVP Joel Cheatwood:

"We felt that giving people a real destination to go and express themselves would give them a feeling of belonging...People feel they're dictated to a lot by the media."

That sort of community, of course, is powerful. And what's most interesting is the Fox Nation Statement of Purpose:

The Fox Nation was created for people who believe in the United States of America and its ideals, as expressed in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Emancipation Proclamation.

It is a community that believes in the American Dream: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One that believes being an American is an honor, as well as a great responsibility—and a wonderful adventure.

This is a place for people who believe we live in a great country, a welcoming refuge for legal immigrants who want to contribute their talent and abilities to make our way of life even greater. We believe we should enjoy the company and support of each other, delighting in the creativity, ingenuity, and work ethic of one and all, while observing the basic rules of civility and mutual respect and, most importantly, strengthening our diverse society by striving for unity.

The Fox Nation is for those committed to the core principles of tolerance, open debate, civil discourse--and fair and balanced coverage of the news. It is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship.

We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation.

Those are good words for Fox, and more to the point, good words for America.

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