Does everybody get an award these days, even if they fail? It sure seems that way. A case in point is CNN honcho of honchos, Jim Walton, who has disappeared from the media, except when it comes to picking up an award. I guess the award is good for Jim's self-esteem, bucking up his spirits as his network declines into third place.
Here's part of an acid report from the always cutting FTV Live
CNN Worldwide President Jim Walton is up for the Vanguard Award today at this week’s Cable Show, NCTA annual convention which was underway this week in Washington. ... Nevertheless, perhaps Walton will now catch some of the heat for CNN’s ratings woes at this week’s convention. So far it’s just been the hapless Jon Klein having to answer for CNN’s third place showing, while Walton has been MIA.
Maybe next we can start giving "Vanguard Awards" to execs at AIG, GM, Lehman, etc. I am sure that their self-esteem could use a bucking up, too.