"MSNBC in Disarray"--that's the headline in Poligazette, a non-Cable Gamer that nonetheless seems to have its finger on the pulse of the still unfolding story:
It is extremely entertaining to see an arrogant blowhard like Olbermann twist and spin in order to cover up his own flaws. It is also interesting to once again see that these self proclaimed pundits are so convinced of their own importance, that they believe they can bully everybody else around. It does not work that way in the real world, Keith.
The proximate cause of the fuss seems to be a booking tiff over Ben Affleck, who hardly seems worth it, in TCG's view. (Affleck is the glaring weak spot in the otherwise excellent film "State of Play). Olbermann has a much different story, of course, having to do with his delayed reaction to the death of his mother. The stories are so at variance that some truth-reckoning is inevitable. And frankly, TCG thinks that the tiff-theory better squares with the available set. So let the investigation continue!
TVNewser, which has been covering this story exhaustively, caught this gratuitous but still significant dig at Dan Abrams in Olby's rant:
Olbermann also mentioned former MSNBC anchor and GM Dan Abrams, brought up in the CityFile story as an example of a previous Olbermann grudge. "Considering Mr. Abrams' irrelevance to the rest of the story, and indeed now to MSNBC.
The Cable Gamer got curious--had something happened to Abrams? I mean, it's been obvious for sometime that Olbermann doesn't like him (and TCG still considers his outside corporate interests to be a scandalously blatant conflict of interest)--but since when did a former MSNBC anchor and host, and still a NBC employee, a "Chief Legal Correspondent," in fact, become simply dismissable as "irrelevant"? I mean, that's harsh. And probably just guarantees that what Olbermann decried as the "small group that could be the 'sources' of this sad, and sadly out-of-touch, gossip" will be heard from, again and again.