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Obama Going to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday for a Bow-Over -- An Advance Look

Written By mista sense on Saturday, May 30, 2009 | 6:19 AM

Now this is more like it! If the White House Advance Office were to "storyboard" POTUS events, this is what the do-over "grip and grin" might look like. See? President Barack Hussein Obama is standing up straight and tall, towering over the 80-something crown prince of Saudi Arabia. Take all the photos and video you want! Just be sure to layer this photo, and the gestalt of this photo, on top of that bow-down photo from April.

Just remember Mr. President, whatever you do, stand up straight! Not the slightest bow-down. Do what you wish, in your heart, in terms of paying obeisance, but make your body conform to what the American people expect of an American President.

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