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Written By mista sense on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 | 8:42 PM

I have a terrible cough inhibiting me from sleep, so I checked my computerland on the way to take some NyQuil. It was fate I woke up, because oh, man, all they have to do is show Big Boss and I get excited.

You know, I've been covering games a while now, and have even just recently lamented how, now that games are work, I just don't get as personally psyched about things or immersed in 'em the way that I used to. I worry sometimes that I feel more like an objective business writer than a real heartfelt gamer these days, and there's not much that can change that.

Except Big Boss. Even more than Snake, I love Big Boss. Commence fit.*

Kotaku is the one who took this screencap. Thank you, Kotaku.

PS: I will give massive swaths of joy and affection to whoever can make me a banner of the Big Boss image from this site with "Sexy Videogameland" in white digital lettering where the numbers ought to be. Yeah, that's a dare. [thank you a. whitney for rapidly fulfilling, and special thanks also to @kidkoexist on Twitter and to Bongo in comments for the sharp runners-up, I had no idea you guys were so flippin' fast!]

*please don't make it be some raiden v big boss fighting game or something not like metal gear

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