As the whole wide world--including media rivals, such as CBS--is starting to notice the unfairness of the federal government's mega-bailout to General Electric, here's another homage to Thomas Nast, who was the best ever at capturing a political idea and distilling it down into a picture.
The legendary crook Boss Tweed said after he had been nailed by the law, people don't always read complicated news stories, (such as Jeff Gerth's detailed takedown of GE for Pro Publica) but they do understand pictures. And so maybe, with pictures as well as text, people will come to understand the vast and costly conspiracy that General Electric has waged against the public interest. Maybe it's all legal--but if it is, it's lobbyist-legal--but it's still a horrendous abuse.
Thanks to Jim Hubbell. Or, I should say, il miglior fabbro.