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"Fox Derangement Syndrome"

Written By mista sense on Thursday, June 18, 2009 | 7:30 AM

One Cable Gamer made the observation that the left seems to have shifted from "Bush Derangement Syndrome" to "Fox Derangement Syndrome."

What else could explain the seeming determination of Barack Obama to attack Fox? I mean, from his point of view, it's not even smart: He is building up Fox, making most of the MSM look like colorless tools. (But not MSNBC--they look like Obama groupies.)

Fox's Bill O'Reilly and Neal Cavuto have fired back at Obama. Cavuto played this clip from Obama's May 9 appearance at the White House Correspondents Association dinner, in which the President said to the crowd, "Most of you covered me, all of you voted for me." OK, that's seemingly kind of arrogant and presumptuous of Obama to say that, but what happened next is truly revealing: The crowd erupted in laughter and cheers. That's a point worth emphasizing: Obama outed the MSM, and the MSM was so happy to be recognized as his fans that they exulted in their own degradation.

And then, amidst the chortling, Obama inserted, "Apologies to the Fox table." And that little aside generated still more applause.

Here's the bottom line: the MSM are so in the tank for Obama that they can't even see straight. And so when they do look out and see Fox, not being part of the cheering section, they get mad. Mad to the point of derangement.

Image credit: Independent Conservative. (Look closely at the reworked caption.)

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