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Iran: The World Is Watching--But Not MSNBC

Written By mista sense on Sunday, June 21, 2009 | 8:18 AM

I give great credit to both CNN and Fox for going near round-the-clock on the Iran protests. MSNBC, uh, not so much. The screen grab above, from National Review Online's Greg Pollowitz, speaks for me.

Could it be that MSNBC is just so crass that it can't see the need to yank its usual weekend collection of re-runs and infomercials? Surely that's a partial explanation, but it could also be the case that GE/NBC/MSNBC hierarchs realize that their paymaster, Barack Obama, has been looking bad during all the unrest in Iran. I mean, Obama went to Cairo just this month to deliver a realpolitik defense of the status quo in the Middle East and Iran, indicating that he could work with whatever dictator was in charge in whatever regime. And now that status quo seems to be coming unglued, at least in Iran, thus undercutting Obama. So obviously we should expect MSNBC to cover any of that, could we? Unless and until, of course, Obama changes course. And when Keith and Rachel and Chris--and that idiot Ed--figure out a way to blame everything on Bush and Cheney.

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