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Just another of those "network-White House co-productions"

Written By mista sense on Friday, June 19, 2009 | 12:47 PM

The Baltimore Sun's David Zurawik took a brave stand in his post on ABC's upcoming infomercial for the Obama health care plan. And even more bravely, he stuck up for Fox, as part of a general criticism of the MSM:

Given all the reckless and irresponsible words uttered by the likes Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, I hesitate to write these words, but good for Fox. It must be doing something right, if it has the president complaining about the tiny bit of scrutiny he gets on TV.

On the other hand, if Fox News is our last, best TV watchdog on the White House, then the TV press, as well as media critics like me, should be profoundly embarassed, and vow to start doing a better job -- immediately.

Photo illustration credit: Jim Hubbell.

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