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Revolution from Above

Written By mista sense on Saturday, June 27, 2009 | 9:02 AM

During Barack Obama's administration, the greatest wealth transfer in human history is occurring--from the poor and the middle class to the rich. How so? Yes, TARP dates back to last fall, when George W. Bush was president, but then-Senator Obama happily voted for it, urged on by the same advisers who surround him now. Meanwhile, other bank bailouts--including the notorious $139 billion bailout of GE Capital, a part of General Electric--the stimulus package, and now the "cap and trade" system which further enrich neo-Enron-ish swindlers, add up to a truly immense conspiracy against the public interest.

And when the history of this time is recorded, Jeff Immelt will be remembered as one of these new-style American Revolutionaries--a leading recipient of bailout money, and a leading propagandist for the new financial order, thanks to groups such as US Climate Action Partnership, which is guaranteed to make billions through politicized rent-seeking.

In other words, this American revolution has nothing to do with the freedom-loving values of the original American Revolution. This revolution is infinitely cynical, and, frankly, it is evil. It is not a revolution for freedom, it is a revolution against freedom. And as such, it is more likely what we saw in Russia nine decades ago.

So let's make sure Comrade Immelt is remembered properly, in the context of others like him. You remember VI Lenin? He was a revolutionary, too, although he was no champion of ordinary people. The Bolshevik revolution was not a popular rebellion against the Tsar. That revolution had already happened eight months before, in February 1917, led by a democrat, Alexander Kerensky. No, the Bolshevik takeover, in October 1917, led by Lenin, was a coup d'etat. A takeover by Lenin and his fellow conspirators, who were anything but democrats and populists.

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