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SVGL Needs You!

Written By mista sense on Monday, June 29, 2009 | 7:17 AM

Hi SVGL readers! Many of you saw my Tweet last week asking about the ways you used to play pretend about video games with your friends as kids, and I've gotten some great responses from you guys.

But I need more, so here's the deal: When you were a wee game fan, did you used to play video game-related imaginary games about the stuff you were playing? Search drain pipes for Mario, hold Mortal Kombat matches at recess, fight over who got to be Ryu? Attach to certain objects, toys or places because they reminded you of video game levels? Did you write books, draw comics, et cetera? Did games give you weird ideas about how the world works? (What? You mean there are no turtles in the sewers?) If video games inspired your childhood play and lots of happy memories and silly stories, I need 'em.

Email leighalexander1 at gmail dot com with subject heading GAMING CHILDHOOD and share some of your memories, will you? Come on, I showed you my embarrassing emo Phantasy Star II novelization from third grade.

Even further, I'm interested in how those memories of play shape your relationship to games today. Are any console titles that launch today that immediately evoke young memories of playing previous installments Back In The Day? Learn anything about games or yourselves? Does your current station in life -- job, leisure time, relationship with kids -- have any relationship to the way you imagined play as a kid?

This is for an article, so if you write in, please include how you want to be cited. Responses from working game developers and journalists are especially welcome -- you can use your full name, part of it, your company name, your internet handle, or be wholly anonymous, really, whatever you'd like. Link this inquiry to your friends, reblog, retweet, whatever you like, spread the word!

Thank you as always for supporting the stuff I do, and hopefully you'll dig the result.

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