At the same time, though, being that I'm a woman, my perspective can't be any other than "a woman's perspective," and people often ask me to contribute that. More and more, I've felt that maybe it's been naive of me to simply pretend a lack of diversity will go away if me and others like me "just do our best", so I've been happy to talk more on female-specific issues when it seems relevant and constructive.
That's why I am SO over the moon to have gotten a chance to work with Daniel Floyd on his latest animated short -- if you're not familiar with his Zero Punctuation-inspired, fun and smart video analyses of various video game issues, check them out. He and I collaborated on the script to his latest video on "Video Games and the Female Audience," and I am especially happy because it is the first time I have ever received a cartoon doppelganger! Here it is:
In a happy coincidence in timing, I was also asked by a nice pair of English gents with lovely soothing voices to appear on the latest Digital Cowboys podcast, where we enjoy an in-depth discussion on how female characters are represented inside video games. I had fun with this one, so please give it a listen ....especially if your only podcast experience with me to date has been GiantBomb. :)