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"Fox News Still Dominant Despite CNN, MSNBC Jackson-mania"

Written By mista sense on Monday, July 6, 2009 | 7:16 AM

The Cable Game always applauds anyone who PhotoShops images to illustrate a point, in this case, Sharon Waxman's terrific new blog, The Wrap, detailing the cable ratings battle.

The piece, by Lucas Shaw, includes this juicy reax from Miles O'Brien, the former CNN anchor:

“I think what Fox has probably figured out is that you need to program and you need to program with personalities that people want to listen to even when the world is not falling apart,” said Miles O’Brien, a former CNN news anchor. “CNN has historically been a victim of this. It has risen and fallen directly (with) world events.”

And in the wake of Fox’s success with recent event coverage, some even question whether CNN remains the primary destination for breaking news.

If CNN loses that battle, “then CNN has some problems, because that is their wheelhouse,” O’Brien said. “If they lose that then all bets are off.”

I guess it's safe to say that Miles won't be back at CNN anytime soon--not even for a holiday party.

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