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"CNN Retains the Least Amount of Viewers post Michael Jackson Memorial"

Written By mista sense on Friday, July 10, 2009 | 7:09 AM

That's the headline from TV By The Numbers, the data-driven Cable Gamer website. They report--that's TVBTN's graphic, above--you decide.

Former CNN anchor Miles O'Brien explained it all--as noted here at TCG on Monday--CNN has failed to find or develop the sort of talent that people want to watch, even when there's no ultra-hot news. So people dip into CNN, when something huge is happening, and then just as quickly dip out. By contrast, MSNBC and Fox have built up more loyal audiences. O'Brien himself is a case in point. Everyone knew him, and liked him well enough. And then he was gone. If CNN isn't loyal to its people, why should people be loyal to CNN? Answer, they aren't.

But back to TV By The Numbers: TVBTN reminds me of another great site, FiveThirtyEight.com Just the facts, ma'am!

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