Don't worry about GameStop, though. Like, ever. The profit margin they make on used games gets up to 50 percent when all is normal, and even though this is one of the worst summers the industry's seen in years in terms of NPD declines, it's still the second-best quarter ever for GameStop.
Which makes me think a lot about used game sales -- I even sell things periodically, usually because I need cigarette money [srsly ten bux a pack in new york, lame]. I should probably just trade my next round of trade-ins for My Stop Smoking Coach.
I've never sold a piece of hardware in my life, but a few weeks ago I got rid the PSP-3000 -- I got very little use out of it in general and am eager to upgrade to the UMD-less PSP Go. It felt strange, as if even with a perfectly rational reason to divest myself, it sort of violated my natural reflex. I had a pang of wanting to clutch it back when I saw that Piano Black pass across the countertop.
Are you guys big re-sellers? If so, do you use GameStop or something that won't, um, rip you off? What I'm most interested in is this: how do you determine what you're going to trade in or keep?