Politico's Mike Allen, obviously grateful for the chance to be on TV, kisses up to the MSM on "Morning Joe" yesterday. Frankly, I thought that Politico was smarter than that. But of course, maybe the Politicos are being smart in playing the percentages, figuring that the MSM can do them more good. That's not good journalism, but it might be smart Beltway calculation.
Allen's kissing up left it to Joe Scarborough to state the obvious:
I think the reason why the mainstream media got caught flat footed on this story and on the Van Jones story- and I don't say this to be with any malice- I say this to help my fellow friends in the mainstream media, because it was a Fox News story that they had been driving. And so they reacted against it. "Now that Fox News is doing it. Oh, my gosh, it must be bias.’ And I think, because of that, they missed two fairly good sized stories. And again, I would challenge anybody, Mike- and I'm glad you said what you said- to suggest that if the Christian Coalition had been involved in something like that in 1995, The New York Times would have picked that up, and it would have been on the front page the next day.
Thanks again to Newsbusters.