Camille Paglia, a left-libertarian who voted for Barack Obama last year, writes in her Salon.com column:
The cluster of appointees around a person in power reflects his or her belief system and modus operandi. However, it is a mark of leadership to recognize the need for professional evolution beyond an old comfort zone. Obama is approaching a turning point which will define his political future, if he has one. He is surrounded by some mighty small potatoes who need shoveling into the dumpster. The petty provincials need to go, and far more sophisticated and world-savvy analysts must urgently be brought on board.
Paglia doesn't deal directly with the White House vs. Fox issue, but her description of "petty provincials" certainly rings true, in re: the White House fight. As Paglia writes, Obama desperately needs "sophisticated and world-savvy analysts," the kind who helped Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize. Those are the types who will elevate Obama in the future, and get him re-elected. If he listens to them.
Instead, as Michelle Malkin just said on "Hannity," Obama's people are trying to run the place Chicago-style.