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» Fox Shows Why It Keeps Its Trust
Fox Shows Why It Keeps Its Trust
Written By mista sense on Monday, November 23, 2009 | 5:08 PM
TV Newser reports on a leak from Fox News that was obviously not really a leak.
The issue is a couple of errors that have crept into Fox's air. And so Fox put out a memo--TVN doesn't say so, but I assume that it came from Michael Clemente, the SVP for editorial--which says, bluntly, "Please know that jobs are on the line here."
It's no fun to make mistakes, it's no fun to get caught making mistakes, it's no fun to admit to mistakes. But the process of identifying errors, and correcting errors, be they human or systemic, is vital. That's what Fox is doing, and that's why we retain confidence in Fox.
If only all the networks were similarly tough on errors.