So now we know that Keith Olbermann, and the whole lefty gang at MSNBC, are safe in their jobs. Comcast has proven that it will whore out--that's the Whore of Comcast, above, with apologies to the classic movie, "Metropolis."
Comcast chief Brian Roberts just endorsed the Obamacare bill giving the Obama administration a big boost. Thus Roberts will pick up exactly where GE CEO Jeff Immelt left off--indeed, for a time, as the deal awaits approval in DC, the Obamans will get the best, uh, behavior of both corporate behemoths.
Because, of course, the federal government--read, Obama administration--will be passing regulatory judgment on Comcast's purchase of NBC-Universal from GE. The Justice Dept's anti-trust division, of course, will be controlled by Attorney General Eric Holder, Obama's buddy, so the Obamans will be able to deliver that greenlight easily enough--although watch for big contributions from the Roberts family to the Democrats, just to further sweeten the deal.
And speaking of other regulatory agencies with say-so over the deal, don't be fooled by the "independence" of the Federal Communications Commission, under new chairman Julius Genachowski, a law school classmate of Barack Obama, there is no chance that the FCC, in the end, will do anything other than what the White House wants.
Still, if the regulatory clearance process takes a year or more, that's plenty good news for the Obamans, because that "hang time" means that they will be able to extract anything they want out of the billionaire Roberts family, or Comcast, or both.
And of course, the Obamans will always have Olbermann & Co. cheerleading for them at MSNBC. With NBC and even CNBC usually not far behind.