When The Cable Gamer saw this headline, screen-grabbed above, at first she was merely amused. Watch Jim Cramer, be entertained (if yelling is your cup of tea), and lose money if you follow his stock picks--the most recent being Best Buy. There are lots of expensive entertainments, Cramer is just one more.
But then TCG remembered coming across this blog, Deep Capture, created, as near as I can tell, by Patrick Byrne, the chief of Overstock.com. Deep Capture spins a tale of corporate conspiracy, as traders and hedge funders manipulate the news to make money on their trades. And Jim Cramer, both an investor and talking head, gets his own section in Deep Capture. And it's, uh, not favorable.
TCG doesn't pretend to understand all these corporate shenanigans, and so I make no attempt to sort out the infinity of accusations that Deep Capture launches. But it does seem that if what Deep Capture wrote was totally and demonstrably false, it would have been taken down by now.
Moreover, it is worth noting that if you bought Best Buy stock and lost money, someone made money selling it to you, and someone else bought it from you, at a lower price, in the hope that the price will go up again. That's the way markets work, and there's nothing wrong with that--unless, of course, the game is rigged.