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Playing Catch-Up, Again

Written By mista sense on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 | 5:56 PM

I've been sick. I've been busy. And it's always sooooo much easier to tweet at you guys and reach out to you instantly than it is to write blog posts I don't get paid for. But you love SVGL, and SVGL loves you, and so we are doing science and we're still alive. What game was that again? Tsk, this industry, you know?

Anyway. I'm long overdue in pointing out to you a couple recent articles of mine you may have missed. Lately, I asked Ian Bogost what he thought of the indie scene -- we ask the same question of all IGF finalists over at Gamasutra (check 'em out so far; Bogost's will run soon). His answer was, "You mean the puzzle platformer scene? It's awesome, isn't it?"

Sad but true. It seems that brutally difficult platform games have become the new paradigm for genius. In my latest Gama editorial, I wondered whether there's a new trend going on -- how did "hard" become the new "good"?

You can't have missed my Kotaku feature, right? RIGHT? Well, if you did, you're in for a doozy. I write about Katawa Shoujo, the erotic novel about disabled girls that originated on 4chan. As I like to say, if you hated that I was okay with Bayonetta, you'll hate what I'm okay with now!

What about you guys? Favorite IGF nominees? Currently playing?

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