Could you nurture her out of rooting around in corpses? Would you try to take her to a physician so she could be "rescued" from her gathering urge -- even if doctors would treat your lil' orphan like a freak? Would you adopt her just to harvest her for superpowers?
Serious question. I've also added a sidebar poll that quizzes you on your quintessential playing habits within the BioShock universe. I am playing 2 quite differently from 1, wherein I killed everything.
For some serious thoughts, read Michael Abbott's take on fatherhood in BioShock 2, and then read Chris Dahlen's apparently-opposing take (they are both for-realsies daddies, whereas I'm probably way more Tennenbaum than Lamb). I did not read their columns, because I didn't finish the game yet -- I'm neurotically spoiler-averse with games like BioShock. But you could, if you wanted to.
I'm going to try to make "question of the week" a regular feature here. I said "try." Today I just wanted an excuse to post this Little Sister picture:

[Wallpaper-sized edition of above is here]