CNN's Rick Sanchez wants to go to MSNBC. That's the only explanation for Sanchez to trash the citizens of Texas, the second-largest state in the union. And the people of the South, and conservatives in general. That's a lot of antagonizin'
Yesterday on CNN, Sanchez declared to his nationwide audience that "states' rights" is "a racist term." And of course, that means that Texas Governor Rick Perry is also a racist. That's the sort of talk that would have Rick fitting right in Keith Olbermann. Of course, he does have to get himself hired at MSNBC, and there's no evidence that MSNBC wants Rick, but he has to start somewhere, right?
I mean, as he sees CNN sinking into fifth place, he certainly doesn't want to stay where he is. So a little Texas-bashing might get him some attention among trendy left types. You know, the kind of people who think that Anderson Cooper, who carried CNN from second to fifth, is the right guy to take over Katie Couric. Yes, I realize, such thinking doesn't make sense, unless, of course, you're Jon Klein, in which case, you think that getting invited to the right parties in Manhattan is more important than getting good ratings in the country as a whole.
So wait--maybe Rick is simply gunning for a raise at CNN.