In re-reading Howell Raines' attack on Fox News in the WaPo, The Cable Gamer thought to herself, "What is the MainStream Media so afraid of?" If Fox is so uniquely terrible and wicked, why doesn't the Liberal Establishment just team up with the rest of the MSM and get together and crush Fox? After all, the Liberal Establishment has all the money, and it has the broadcast networks, PBS/NPR, and, of course, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, and HLN. And every newspaper, this side of The Washington Times.
So why don't they all gang up and crush Fox? Answer: They have tried, and they would if they could. But they can't. The American people want something different, and if they can't find it elsewhere, they will turn to Fox, even it's the only channel of its kind. Which it is.
So maybe Fox is like the legendary Macintosh computer, released by Apple back in 1984. The computer world has been different ever since then, and the news world has been different ever since 1996, when Fox went on the air.
In fact, it further occurs to The Cable Gamer that these attacks on Fox will help Fox--because they will remind Americans that there really is only one different voice: Fox News. If all the rest of the MSM seem obsessed with crushing Fox, then Fox must be doing something interesting.
Fox News: Fair, balanced, and unafraid.