The Cable Gamer admits to being completely unfamiliar with the work of James Todd Smith, aka, rapper "LL Cool J," but she saw this item on TV Newser, saying that the gangsta rapper does not want to be part of a show with Sarah Palin, the one that debuts tomorrow night. Why am I not surprised?
The best sum-up of the situation comes from a Fox News spokesperson, who told TVNewser:
Real American Stories features uplifting tales about overcoming adversity and we believe Mr. Smith's interview fit that criteria. However, as it appears that Mr. Smith does not want to be associated with a program that could serve as an inspiration to others, we are cutting his interview from the special and wish him the best with his fledgling acting career.
Well put! You can either be a part of making America a better place, or not. TCG knows which side Palin is on, and she also knows which side LL Cool J is on.
A fair-minded wrapup of this whole case comes from Mediaite's Steve Krakauer, always a TCG fave.
But a good riposted to LL Cool J comes from a blogger, Ian Lazaran, writing for Conservatives4Palin. The headline reads, "LL Cool J, Don't Flatter Yourself." Given his fading career, LL was the one who needed the publicity. Palin will do just fine without him.