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Right News: The Plot Thickens

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 | 9:47 AM

Yesterday The Cable Gamer posted, and then later took down, a piece on the "Comcast-opus," which allegedly was setting up a conservative TV network, called RightNetwork.  TCG based her post on a story she saw in Mediate, although the "news" appeared in many other places, as well.   Comcast issued a statement denying any plans for such a Right Network as a TV venture, and so TCG took down the post.

But something is clearly going on with RightNetwork and it does involve Comcast. 

Ed Snider, a libertarian/Ayn Randian billionaire, who seems pretty tight with Comcast, through the company Comcast Spectacor, is setting up Right Network.

That's a picture of Snider above, enmeshed in the Comcast-opus illustration, taken from the Comcast Spectacor website.  Which is to say, this is a major deep-pocketed entity, with close ties to Comcast, and it is getting into the news sector.   Comcast already has a variety of news and entertainment outlets, the best known of which is the E! Channel

And in the future, there will be no real distinction between TV and the internet.  We will be watching and clicking, on screens of all kind, from big flat-screens to iPads to smart phones.

TCG has no objection to the creation of more cable-gaming entities--the more the merrier!  And she is especially happy if these new entities are conservative, or close enough.

But TCG does wonder exactly what Comcast's role in all this might be.  TCG no longer has full confidence in Comcast denials.   Snider is too close to Comcast not to have kept the Comcastians fully apprized of what he is doing.

And if TCG is curious as to what's happening, she has to wonder what Keith Olbermann thinks, and Rachel Maddow, and the Daily Kos krowd.

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