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Toby Keith, Still Stabbing Fox In The Back -- And We're Supposed to Vote For Him for Academy of Country Music "Entertainer of the Year"?

Written By mista sense on Friday, April 2, 2010 | 12:16 PM

The Cable Gamer went to Toby Keith's website, to see if he had anything to say about the slam on Fox from his p.r. person, Elaine Schock. Nothing. The only news on the site was that he, TK, wanted us to vote for him as the Academy of Country Music's "Entertainer of the Year" award.

Fat chance. Stab Fox in the back, stab Sarah Palin in the back, and you, Toby, will lose your fan base, just like the Dixie Chicks.

Still curious about the Oklahoma-born Keith's possible motivations, TCG turned to an Oklahoman, for some guidance on Keith. Here's what that fellow Okie had to say:

I don’t care if he is an Okie, like me. A guy who goes around in a hat like this isn’t country, at least by my standards. I read his bio in wiki and it sounds like he’s a town kid. Moore, OK is a big town compared to the one I live in, and it’s a suburb of Oklahoma City. He’s what we used to call a Rexall Ranger (drugstore cowboy). I haven’t seen a Rexall Drug Store in a long time so perhaps I should call him a Walgreen Wrangler.

That hat, a straw, was probably bought just like it is, all wadded up with a phony sweat ring around the band. You wear a hat like that to haul hay or go fishing. No cowboy singer of my era would be seen in something like that on a stage in front of people. It’s trashy.

I don’t like “New Country” because it sounds like rock and roll with steel guitars and fiddles added.

There you have it: Toby Keith = Rexall Ranger, or, a Walgreen's Wrangler.

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