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» What Will CNN Do About Erick Erickson? Now That He's Been Caught Lying?
What Will CNN Do About Erick Erickson? Now That He's Been Caught Lying?
Written By mista sense on Monday, May 31, 2010 | 11:27 AM
Byron York, the veteran journalist, now the chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner, takes direct aim at a fellow conservative, Erick Erickson, for some remarkably shoddy "journalism" concerning the Will Folks/Nikki Haley flap in the South Carolina gubernatorial primary. Like Erickson--and I am sure, too, like York--The Cable Gamer thinks that Folks is a sleaze, but Erickson went way further: He declared, on his blog, that he had the goods on Folks, when he didn't. That's journalistic malpractice: As York calls it, Erickson committed a "hoax." Or, as one might say, a "lie."
Erickson, of course, is also a Cable Gamer--he was hired recently as a CNN contributor. TCG applauds hiring conservatives to balance out the liberal-leaning MSM, but she doesn't like conservatives who don't tell the truth. So I wonder what CNN will do about it. TCG wonders if there might be some at CNN who don't mind that Erickson has been exposed as a liar, so that they can either fire him or else keep him around, as a visible reminder of how untrustworthy conservatives can be.
But in the meantime, hats off to York for calling 'em as he sees 'em.
PS: Go, Nikki! We love you!! Just promise us that you'll never go blonde!!!