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Noel Sheppard, American Hero

Written By mista sense on Sunday, August 8, 2010 | 2:25 PM

The Cable Gamer wishes that she had the smarts, and work ethic, of Noel Sheppard, associate editor of Newsbusters.   In a post entitled "Maddow Edits 'Factor' Video to Make Bill O'Reilly Look Racist," Sheppard painstakingly deconstructs MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's attempt to slime FNC's Bill O'Reilly.

As Sheppard demonstrates, Maddow chopped up O'Reilly's videotape to make O'Reilly seem to say the opposite of what he, in fact, was saying.    It was a great catch on Sheppard's part, a real tour de force, but it was only possible because Sheppard went line by line, and frame by frame, through all the transcripts and tape.

It was a lot of work on Sheppard's part, but the result was a great NewsBust.   As Sheppard puts it:

In Maddow's case, her own staff edited out major portions of O'Reilly's opening remarks on Thursday completely changing the meaning of his words.

This MSNBC host should certainly not be pointing fingers at others for bullpucky manufactured by nifty video editing when she and her staff are doing the very same thing.

With this in mind, maybe Maddow on Monday should play the entire video for her audience and apologize to O'Reilly.

Readers are advised to not hold their breath. 

Well put, Noel!  Keep after 'em.   You probably won't succeed in making the likes of Maddow more honest, but at least you can help us see more clearly when they are lying.  

And in this post, as well, Sheppard shows his command of the material--and his determination to tell the truth about Fox and Maddow.  The truth sets Fox free, whereas the same truth condemns Maddow.   Not that she cares.

But the rest of us do care.  And so to us, out here in Flyover Country, Noel Sheppard is an American Hero. 

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