Home » » Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer go "Moonlighting"--and maybe playin'?

Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer go "Moonlighting"--and maybe playin'?

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 | 12:55 PM

TVNewser's Alex Weprin publishes a first-look video of the new CNN show, "Parker Spitzer."

Based on this promo, the conceit of the show seems to be that Parker and Spitzer are chummy and playful with each other--and the ever so slightest hint of naughtiness, as when Spitzer uses the phrase  "player to be named later."  In slang usage, of course, "player" has a distinct other, naughty meaning that obviously CNN is fully aware of.  But it's in keeping with the urbane tone they are striving to set--the two of them would rather amuse each other, and hopefully amuse us, than talk about boring issues such as . . . issues.

The Cable Gamer, listening to that light, jazzy score in the background, immediately thought back to another hour-long show about a liberated urban couple, not married to each other, one blonde, one balding--complete with a light, jazzy score in the background.  That would be, of course, "Moonlighting," the 80s comedy-drama in which Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis bantered and teased each other for five years on ABC.  Take a look at the graphic, below, for "Moonlighting" and you might see the similarity.

"Moonlighting" was a brilliant show.  Shepherd and Willis really did pull off their own version of witty screwball-iness; many of us feel that both actors peaked at that time.

No wonder Parker & Spitzer seek to emulate the show.  But of course, if pigs had wings, and all that.

Something tells TCG that "Parker Spitzer" won't achieve anything close to that level--and won't be around for anywhere close to five years.  In fact, TCG gives the show five months.

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