But the joke is on all these leftists and liberals, because if ABC is reduced to just bland liberal pablum, the audience, looking for real news with an edge, will go elsewhere.
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» How Media Matters, et al., operate: Mau-mauing ABC News over Andrew Breitbart
How Media Matters, et al., operate: Mau-mauing ABC News over Andrew Breitbart
Written By mista sense on Monday, November 1, 2010 | 6:09 AM
The fearless Andrew Breitbart details how ABC News, under pressure from the George Soros/David Brock left, is backpeddling on its decision to use Breitbart as an election-night commentator. No doubt the left will be successful in this effort, because ABC never really had its heart in a conservative being on its air. So a little mau-mauing does the trick.
But the joke is on all these leftists and liberals, because if ABC is reduced to just bland liberal pablum, the audience, looking for real news with an edge, will go elsewhere.
But the joke is on all these leftists and liberals, because if ABC is reduced to just bland liberal pablum, the audience, looking for real news with an edge, will go elsewhere.