Home » » MSNBC must really hate Keith Olbermann. Why else is be being suspended for doing something that others did?

MSNBC must really hate Keith Olbermann. Why else is be being suspended for doing something that others did?

Written By mista sense on Friday, November 5, 2010 | 7:56 PM

The liberal blog TalkingPointsMemo.com points out that another MSNBC host, Joe Scarborough, gave money to a political candidate back in 2006.   And so did Pat Buchanan, although, of course, he is not a host--he is a contributor.   And others within NBC, including reporters, gave money to candidates, but nothing is happening to them.

So why is Scarborough et al. unscathed?  Answer: Because the suits at MSNBC don't hate them. They only hate Olbermann.

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