For his part, Zuckerberg seems fully intent on turning Facebook into a multimedia player, completely changing the way we consume media--including, inevitably, the news. As he said just last week:
Anything that involves content or specific expertise in an area – games, music, movies, TV, news, anything in media, anything e-commerce, any of this stuff.
Over the next five years, those verticals are going to be completely re-thought. There are going to be some really good businesses built.
Our view is that we should play a role in helping to re-form and re-think all those industries, and we'll get value proportional to what we put in. In gaming, we get some percentage of the value of those companies through ads and credits. But that's all because we're helping them.
If we're helpful to other industries in building out what would be a good solution then there will be some way we get value from that.
So that's MZ's vision: Everything changes. And given his track record, who would be wise to bet against him?