Home » » Media Matters on Tea Partiers: "Chronically stupid, willfully ignorant, or pathological liars." Draw your own conclusions about MM's hatreds, but let's also note their bad grammar.

Media Matters on Tea Partiers: "Chronically stupid, willfully ignorant, or pathological liars." Draw your own conclusions about MM's hatreds, but let's also note their bad grammar.

Written By mista sense on Sunday, December 19, 2010 | 9:35 AM

Mediaite's Matt Schneider takes note of runaway Fox-bashing at MSNBC; in this instance, as part of a colloquy between Keith Olbermann substitute Chris Hayes and Media Matters hit man Ari Rabin-Havt.  As Schneider puts it:

The back-and-forth Fox bashing briefly took a break just long enough for Rabin-Havt to get in a random unsupported jab at Republican speakers that he heard at a Tea Party rally and who he claimed to be “either chronically stupid, willfully ignorant or pathological liars.”

A stickler might note that when one uses the word "either" as a conjunction, one must then refer to just two items.  Just as with other words, such as "neither" and "between."   And yet Rabin-Havt uses three items in his series after "either."  Normally, one might not worry too much about such grammatical mistakes, but since Rabin-Havt and Media Matters are always making a big deal about their fact-checking, we can note this error in speech.   So we might ask: Which words best describe Rabin-Havt: "chronically stupid," "willfully ignorant," or "pathological liar"? 

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