Home » » CNN spins Kathleen Parker departure. Or is it more correct to say, "CNN has been lying about 'Parker Spitzer' all along"?

CNN spins Kathleen Parker departure. Or is it more correct to say, "CNN has been lying about 'Parker Spitzer' all along"?

Written By mista sense on Friday, February 25, 2011 | 4:37 PM

CNN's press release concerning Kathleen Parker's firing exit from "Parker Spitzer" doesn't quite degenerate into the usual cliche of "wanting to spend more time with my family." Instead, Parker says that she wants to spend more time with her newspaper column.  OhhKayy.

But what's really amusing about Parker's exit is that amazingly enough, CNN had managed to line up two replacements for the show, former Fox host E.D. Hill and also National Review writer Will Cain.

The Cable Gamer hates to seem like a mean girl, but let's step back and ask ourselves: How long did it take CNN to line up these replacements?   A while, right?  Of course!  Everything takes time.  And to rethink the show, too, which will now be called "In the Arena."  And yet according to CNN, the new show will debut on Monday.

In other words, CNN has been thinking about this change for a long time--a number of weeks, at rock-bottom minimum.   And yet all the while, CNN was denying that that there was any problem at "Parker Spitzer." Now, of course, we know that the New York Post has been reporting for months has all been true.

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