Are you one of the hapless boneheads that donates cash to the discredited propaganda outfit and burgeoning criminal enterprise known as Media Matters?
Media Matter's David Brock, a man with a documented history of accepting money to publish lies, lounges in a $9,000 high-back leather chair and banks a lucrative 300K plus salary. Meanwhile, low level labor at Media Matters struggles paying for basic necessities like food and rent.
And to what end? Fox News, the designated target of the delusional, obsessed partisans at Media Matters has never been stronger, more influential, or more profitable. If this is what Media Matters considers "war" they need to dump the clueless David Brock and coax General Swarzkoff out of retirement because that candy-ass David Brock aint' gettin' it done!
Log on to the Media Matters web site and before you get a chance to read any of the biased, twisted, fake, dishonest attacks on Fox News, the highly paid and deranged David Brock shamelessly begs for money to insure continuance of his obscene salary.
All the while claiming Media Matters is a not for profit endeavor...not for David Brock and a select group of creepy, self absorbed left-wing elitists it isn't.
While Media Matters was celebrating Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker getting "punked," Media Matters was busy punking their dependably naive and gullible donors.