It’s time for Fox news to take a page from the NPR playbook and hand Juan Williams a bookend sacking to go along with his NPR firing from last year. Inventing vicious, savage libel about your own country is taking just about the lowest of low roads, and despicable is too mild a term for it. No credible news organization should peddle such intellectual rot as serious political commentary. If Fox News can not come up with a better political foil for Charles and Bill, they should simply leave Juan’s chair empty. Such a move would produce far less vacuous and offensive commentary than Juan has to offer.
Cor is entitled to his opinion, but so is Williams. (Although TCG thinks that Williams went too far; she assumes that Juan was being metaphorical, and that it wouldn't hurt if he clarified that point sometime.)
But fredom of opinion is the strength of Fox--why it's the Most Powerful Name in News. Williams can say whatever he wishes, with no fear of any retribution. That's a lot more than NPR can say.